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Madagascar Ocean Tour

10 Days


Embark on an awe-inspiring 10-day Ocean Tour through Madagascar’s coastal wonders. Beginning in Antananarivo, venture west to Ampefy, where majestic waterfalls and volcanic landscapes await. Continue to Toliara, a coastal town known for its vibrant culture and stunning sunsets. Anakao offers a taste of traditional Malagasy life, while Nosy Ve and Sarodrano unveil pristine beaches and marine adventures. The pinnacle of this journey takes you to Tsimanampetsotsa, a protected national park teeming with unique flora and fauna. This Ocean Tour promises a harmonious blend of culture, natural beauty, and marine exploration, making it an unforgettable exploration of Madagascar’s coastal diversity.


  • Adventure live in front of the ocean Indian
  • Discovery of the Mangroves View
  • Beautiful exotic yellow beaches in an island Sarodrano
  • Discovery savane with exotic view
  • Diving and snorkeling
  • Discover the culture of the south coast of the island, Vezo Ethnie
  • Discovery of Fauna & Flora such as Chameleon and other animal and plant species
  • Discover several exceptional islands of southern Madagascar
  • Discovery of the lemurs

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

Madagascar Ocean Tour
From £2,900
/ Adult
From £1,920
/ Child
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